LOVE + SEX : Signs that a man is lying

Here I want to share with you girls the secret signals men give when they lie. Next time you question your guy’s honesty, watch for these little clues to find out whether or not he’s telling the whole truth. Then, he won’t be able to trick you.. hee .. read it

While reading this article why dont you enjoy listen to this song by

Black Eyed Peas : Dont Lie ;P

click here to listen

ps: open in new tab

1. He looks up and to the left

When you ask him a sticky question or he wants to explain himself to you, note which way he looks. If his eyes move up to the right, he’s recalling information from his memory. If he looks up and to the left, there’s a good chance that he’s inventing the answer.

2. He toys with his ears or his nose.

If your guy starts toying with his ear or nose (and he doesn’t have allergies), be suspicious. When a guy is being deceptive, it’s common for blood to rush to his face. His nose and ears will get warm and begin to itch, causing him to unconsciously rub or scratch them

3. He shifts in his chair or taps his fingers

These tics may make it seem like he’s just plain nervous, but if they’re done while he’s explaining himself to you, they actually indicate that he could be fibbing

4. He covers his mouth with his hand.

This guy is probably lying. When he unconsciously obstructs your view of his lips, it’s a sign that he’s trying to block the truth from slipping out. In addition, he might lick his lips and look away from you— directing his eyes down and to the right

Be careful with your guy’s. If one of these signs stated above match it, make sure u catch him right on the dot. So, he won’t be able to lie to you again. If none of these match, hope you and your partner stay happily together. Guys who cheat doesnt mean that he’s not love you, maybe he has his own reason. Try to communicate with each other to encounter the problem.


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HEALTHY LIVING : Snoring leads to Sleep Apnea ??


Snoring = vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to the obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping.

Just about everyone snores occasionally. Even a baby or a beloved pet may snore! But snoring can affect the quantity and quality of your sleep. Poor sleep can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability and increased health problems. And, if your snoring is so loud that your bed partner can't sleep, you may end up banished from the bedroom. Thus, discovering the cause of your snoring and finding the right cure will vastly improve your health, your relationships, and, of course, your sleep.

The Causes of Snoring

Snoring is causes by a narrowing of your airway, either from poor sleep postire or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat. A narrow airway gets in the way of smooth breathing and creates the sound of snoring.

Tip: The way you snore may reveal why you snore!!

If you snore

1. With your mouth closed : a problem with the tongue is probably the culprit

2. With your mouth open : your snoring is likely related to the tissues in your throat

3. Only on your back : your snoring is probably mild-improved sleep habit and lifestyle cahnges may be effective cures

4. In all sleep positions : your snoring is more severe and may required a more comprehensive treatment

Causes and Risk Factor of Snoring

Causes out of our control

1. Heredity

2. Being middle-aged or beyond – age increase, throat narrower, muscle tone in your throat decrease = snore

3. Being male – men have narrower air passage than women

4. Allergies, asthma, a cold, or sinus infections- blocked airway passage

Causes within our control

1. Being overweight or out of shape

2. A history of smoking- exposure to second hand smoker also include

3. Alcohol or medications

4. Sleeping posture

Negative Health Effect

Snoring can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, a potentially life threatening condition. While snoring is caused by narrow airways, sleep apnea is a true breathing obstruction, which requires the sleeper to awaken to begin breathing again. A person with sleep apnea wakes up many times a night to regain breathing, but usually remembers nothing at all about the awakenings. Snoring is a common sympom of sleep apnea, but snoring by itself does not involve the cessation of breathing.

p/s : Sleep apnea (sleep apnoea) = sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Each episode called an apnea.

How to Stop Snoring : Self Help Tips and Remedies

1. Sleep on your side

2. Elevate the head of your bed

3. Limit alcohol and medication (for smoker, u can limit or stop it)

4. Clear your nasal pasaages

5. Lose weight (hee)

Here I also attached video of sleep apnea. Take a look.

Stay healthy by beautifuldisguise ;)

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