All flowers have a meaning. The Victorians used to use flowers as a symbol to express their feelings.Here I want to share the langguage of different flowers, what is their meanings? Let’s check it !!
A |
- ACACIA - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement, Chaste Love (Secret love)
- ACORN - Nordic symbol of life and immortality
- ALOE - Grief
- ALLSPICE - Compassion
- AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated (Love returned)
- AMARYLLIS - Pride, Timidity, Pastoral Poetry
- ANEMONE - Unfading love (Forsaken)
- ANGELICA - Inspiration
- ANISEED - Restoration of youth
- ARBUTIS - Thee only do I love
- APPLE - Preference
- ASTER - Symbol of love and daintiness
- AZALEA - Take care of yourself for me, temperance, fragile passion, Chinese symbol of womanhood
B |
- BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness (Celibacy)
- BABY’S BREATH - Everlasting Love
- BASIL - Best Wishes, Love
- BAY LEAF - Strength
- BEGONIA - Beware
- BELLS OF IRELAND - Good luck
- BIRD OF PARADISE - Magnificence
- BLUEBELL - Humility, constancy
- BORAGE - Courage
- BURNET - A merry heart
- BUTTERCUP - Cheerfulness
C |
- CACTUS - Endurance, warmth
- CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing for you
- CAMELLIA (RED) - You’re a flame in my heart
- CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You’re adorable
- CANDYTUFT - indifference
- CARNATION (GENERAL) - Bonds of affection; health and energy; fascination; woman love
- CARNATION (PINK) - I'll never forget you
- CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness, whimsical, changeable
- CARNATION (RED) - My heart aches for you, admiration
- CARNATION (STRIPED) - No, refusal, sorry I can't be with you, wish I could be with you
- CARNATION (WHITE) -Sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, woman's good luck gift
- CARNATION (YELLOW) - You have disappointed me, Rejection, disdain
- CATTAIL - Peace, prosperity
- CHAMOMILE - Patience , attracts wealth
- CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) – Cheerfulness, You're a wonderful friend
- COREOPSIS - Always cheerful
- COWSLIP - Pensiveness, winning grace
- CROCUS - Cheerfulness, abuse not
- CYCLAMEN - Resignation and goodbye
- CLOVER - Good luck
D |
- DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You're the Only One, The Sun is Always Shining when I'm with You
- DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity
- DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness Daisy Innocence
E |
- EUCALYPTUS - Protection
F |
- FENNEL - Worthy of all praise
- FERN - Sincerity
- FORGET-ME-NOT - True love
- FERN (MAGIC) - Fascination, confidence and shelter
- FERN (MAIDENHAIR) - Secret bond of love
- FEVERFEW - Protection
- FIR - Time
- FLAX - Domestic symbol, fate
- FORSYTHIA - Anticipation
G |
- GARDENIA - You're lovely, secret love
- GARLAND OF ROSES - Reward of virtue
- GARLIC - Courage; strength
- GERANIUM (SCENTED) - Stupidity, folly
- GLADIOLUS - Love at first sight, Give me a break, O’m really sincere, Flower of the galdiator
H |
- Heather (lavender) - Admiration; solitude
- Heather (white) - Protection; wishes will come true
- Hibiscus - Delicate beauty
- Holly - Good will, Defense;domestic Happiness; foresight
- Honeysuckle - Generous and devoted affection
- Hyacinth (general) - Games and sports; rashness;flower dedicated to Apollo
- Hyacinth (blue) - Constancy
- Hyacinth ( purple) - I'm sorry; please forgive me; sorrow
- Hyacinth (red or pink) - Play
- Hyacinth (white) - Loveliness; I'll pray for you
- Hyacinth (yellow) - Jealousy
- Hydrangea - Thank you for understanding; frigidity; heartlessness
- Hyssop - Wards away evil spirits
I |
- Iris - Faith; hope; wisdom and valor
- Ivy - Fidelity and friendship
- Ivy - sprig of white tendrils - Anxious to please; affection
J |
- Jasmine - Amiability; attracts wealth
- Jonquil - Love me; affection returned; desire; sympathy; desire for a return of affection
- Juniper - Protection
L |
- Larkspur - pink - Fickleness
- Lavender - Devotion
- Lemon - Zest
- Lemon Balm - Brings love
- Lemon verbena - Attracts opposite sex
- Lily (general) - Keeps unwanted visitors away
- Lily (calia) - Beauty
- Lily (day) - Coquetry
- Lily (eucharis) - Maiden charms
- Lily (orange) - Hatred
- Lily (tiger) - Wealth; pride
- Lily (white) - Virginity; purity; majesty; it's heavenly to be with you
- Lily (yellow) - I'm walking on air; false and gay
- Lily of the valley - sweetness; return to happiness; humility
M |
- Magnolia - Sweetness; beauty; love of nature
- Marigold - Comforts the heart
- Mint - Protection from illness; warmth of feeling
- Marjoram (sweet) - Joy and happiness
- Mistletoe - Kiss me; affection; to surmount difficulties; sacred plant of India
- Monkshood - Beware, a deadly foe is near; chivalry
- Moss - Maternal love; charity
- Myrtle - Love; Hebrew emblem of marriage
N |
- Narcissus - Egotism; formality; stay as sweet as you are
- Nasturtium - Conquest; victory in battle; maternal love; charity; patriotism
O |
- Oleander - Caution; beware
- Orange - Generosity
- Orange Blossom - Brings wisdom
- Orange Mock - Deceit
- Orchid - Love; beauty; refinement; beautiful lady; Chinese symbol for many children
- Orchid (cattleya) - Mature charm
P |
- Palm leaves - Victory and success
- Pansy - Thoughts; love
- Peach - Longevity
- Peony - Aphrodisiac
- Petunia - Resentment; anger; your presence soothes me
- Pine - Hope; pity
- Poppy (general) - Eternal sleep ; oblivion; imagination
- Poppy (red) -Pleasure; consolation
- Poppy (white) - Consolation; sleep
- Poppy( yellow) - Wealth; success
- Prickly Pear - Satire
- Primrose - I can't live without you; early youth
- Primrose(evening) - Inconstancy
R |
- Rose (general)(Red) - Love ; I love you
- Rose( white) - Eternal Love ; innocence; heavenly; secrecy and silence
- Rose(pink) - Perfect happiness; please believe me
- Rose(Yellow) - Friendship ; jealousy; try to care
- Rose(Black) -Death
- Rose(red and white) - Together; unity
- Rose(thornless) - Love at first sight
- Rose( single, full bloom) - I love you; I still love you
- Rose bud - Beauty and youth ; a heart innocent of love
- Rose bud(red) - Pure and lovely
- Rose bud(white) - Girlhood
- Rosebud (moss) - Confessions of love
- Roses(Bouquet of full bloom) - Gratitude
- Roses( Garland or crown of) - Beware of virtue; reward of merit; crown ; symbol of superior merit
- Roses ( musk cluster) - Charming
- Rose(tea) - I'll always remember
- Rose(cabbage) - Ambassador of love
- Rose(Christmas) - Tranquilize my anxiety; anxiety
- Rose(damask) - Brilliant complexion
- Rose(dark crimson) - Mourning
- Rose(hibiscus) - Delicate beauty
- Rose leaf - You may hope
- Rosemary - Remembrance
S |
- Sage Wisdom - long life
- Salvia (blue) - I think of you
- Smilax - Loveliness
- Snapdragon - Deception; gracious lady; presumption
- Spiderflower - Elope with me
- Stephanotis - Happiness in marriage; desire to travel
- Stock - Lasting beauty
- Strawberry - Perfect goodness
- Sunflower - Loyalty; wishes
- Sweetpea - Goodbye; departure; blissful pleasure; Thank you for a lovely time
T |
- Thyme - Strength and courage; ensures restful sleep
- Tulip(general) - Fame,charity; perfect lover
- Tulip(red) - Believe me; declaration of love
- Tulip(variegated) - Beautiful eyes
- Tulip(yellow) - Hopeless love
V |
- Violet - Modesty; calms tempers; induces sleep
- Violet(blue) - Watchfulness; faithfulness; I'll always be true
- Violet(white) - Let's take a chance on happiness
- Viscaria - Will you dance with me?
W |
- Woodruff - sweet humility
Y |
- Yarrow - Health,healing
Z |
- Zinnia - Thoughts of friends
- Zinnia(magenta) - Lasting affection
- Zinnia(mixed) - Thinking of an absent friend
- Zinnia(scarlet) - Constancy
- Zinnia(white) - Goodness
- Zinnia(yellow) - Daily remembrance
Specially brought to U by beautifuldisguise ;)